Corner of Rangitikei Street and JFK Drive, Palmerston North | Sales & Service: 06 353 0605

Here at Robertson Prestige we strive to make your servicing process as easy as possible.

Buy any vehicle, new or used from Robertson Prestige and enjoy free Warrant of Fitness checks for the life of the vehicle.

Terms & Conditions:

The following terms and conditions apply to the “Free W.O.F Check for Life” offered by Robertson Prestige.

  1. This offer applies to New and Used vehicles purchased from Robertson Prestige on or after 1st of January 2022 and is not transferrable to any other vehicle.
  2. This offer only applies to retail sales.
  3. The Warrant of Fitness (W.O.F.) check must be carried out by Robertson Prestige in Palmerston North.
  4. We will not agree to any other Service Centre or Warrant of Fitness agent providing this service, or charging us for it.
  5. The offer does NOT cover the cost of any repairs required as a result of the check.
  6. The offer is for the life of the vehicle concerned, and will be transferred to any new owner.
  7. Normal trading and other conditions may apply.
  8. This offer is only valid while Robertson Prestige remains a certified Warrant of Fitness Issuing Authority